Image processing according to CD specifications

A standardised visual world guarantees the recognition of your image. Especially when it comes to image pictures.


Areas of expertise

 To the overview

Smart image editing

The aim is to keep all elements editable for as long as possible. In this way, we can ensure that changes can be made quickly and without loss at the SafeT subsidiary.
In this case, a vector file was placed in a pixel file, adjusted in perspective and harmonised with the background using a filter.

Look and feel of the parent company GVB

In addition to the choice of subject, a uniform appearance is also characterised by the lighting, perspective and general colour saturation. Careful image processing is essential to ensure that these factors are maintained across all areas. We were allowed to work on the following images according to the customer's specifications.

Whether in a family or business setting: the processing takes up the general colour tone again.small detail: If possible and sensible, something in each picture should be coloured in a striking orange.Can you find the recoloured object here?

Do you have a question?

I will be happy to advise you on the most efficient advertising measures to achieve your goal. The best thing is to arrange a meeting right away.

Patric Kurth, Managing Director

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