Editorial Design
Stay up to date
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Keeping customers up to date
In day-to-day business, it is important to inform your most important customers about important Newcompany news at regular intervals. Systematically designed, such Proproducts achieve significant added value for the target group.
Customers can be informed about Newnews and encouraged to place orders/contact us again with a regularly distributed customer magazine or a well-designed Proproduct catalogue.
Business partners and shareholders can be addressed with a high-quality annual report.

Annual reports
The annual report presents the company's figures to shareholders, investors and other stakeholders. This medium is ideal for communicating important information to this target group in a suitable form. To present the value of your company, a high-quality layout and an appealing design are crucial. This ensures lasting trust in the company.

Do you have a question?
I will be happy to advise you on the most efficient advertising measures to achieve your goal. The best thing is to arrange a meeting right away.
Patric Kurth, Management & Concept